Wild Fire Prevention
May 11, 2018

When you live in an area prone to wildfires you need an agent and an insurance carrier that is there for you and understands those risks. While of course we provide the insurance coverage you would need in the event of a loss we know you would rather avoid damage altogether.
Robertson Ryan has built strong relationships with carriers like AIG Private Client Group who have Wildfire Protection Units. They help with managing risk and with preventing loss. While they are not a private fire department, they offer loss mitigation services designed to preempt damage well before a wildfire ignites.
Preventative At-Home Consultations: a wildfire mitigation specialist can visit your residence to assess its vulnerability in the event of a wildfire. If warranted, they can apply Phos-Chek ® around the perimeter of your property. Phos-Chek ® is a specially formulated fire retardant used for over 40 years by the U.S. Forest Service. It is colorless and safe around plants, animals and people.
The application of fire retardant is only one part of an overall wildfire mitigation plan. Routine prevention measures can go a long way to protect your home. To further reduce exposure field teams can recommend steps to defend the space around your home, including suggestions for landscaping and building materials.
During a Wildfire: Access permitting, our specialists can visit vulnerable properties and remove combustibles, apply Phos-Chek ® for perimeter protection and/or Class A foam or Thermo-Gel for structure and landscaping protection. Thermo-Gel is a concentrate that turns water into a long-lasting, fire-preventing and heat-absorbing gel. It adheres to all surfaces and forms a protective layer that cools and guards objects from heating, charring and flame impingement. It is nontoxic and approved by the U.S. Forest Service.
Remember, even when taking the proper preventative measures it is important to heed all evacuation orders, as your safety is the most important concern.
As a personal risk Manager, maintaining the proper property and contents insurance is something I help my clients with. We work together to develop an insurance program that is proactive and designed to fit your personal needs. I help advise on specialty services like AIG’s services above, and those of Chubb, PURE, Nationwide Private Client, Cincinnati, and more. I make it a priority to educate clients on the protection available. Let’s chat, 602-707-1109.