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Community Service Week 2021 – Celebrating Over 675 Volunteer Hours

Service Week

This past week we are filled with gratitude for the spirit of caring performed by the Robertson Ryan team. Our associates demonstrate time and time again that when we bring together our collective resources, reach and resolve, we create an amazing force of giving.

Our firm and our colleagues have always had an abiding respect for nature. That is why we selected “the environment” as our 5th annual community service day theme. Many of our outdoor focused projects included face-lifts and clean-up at community green spaces and waterways.

Over 225 volunteers across 23 states came together to perform over 675 hours of volunteer work. Our shared goal was to make this fun, simple and safe for our team, and their friends and family who joined.


October 25-29th 2021 Service Week Projects:

  • Southeast WI team members gathered at Lapham Peak for shrub and brush clean-up
  • La Crosse WI Office assisted a local nonprofit Aptiv with their outdoor garden and lawn maintenance
  • Las Vegas NV Offices did a clean-up at Red Rock and local parks in the community
  • Milwaukee WI Office team members volunteered at Urban Ecology Center Plant-A-Thon and planted 240 plants in 2 hours and worked with Milwaukee Riverkeeper to clean-up waterways and trails
  • Mequon WI Office worked with Milwaukee Riverkeeper to clean-up waterways and trails at he Mequon Preserve
  • Waukesha WI Office spent time at Wisconsin Independent Learning College building outdoor garden boxes and helped with fall clean-up
  • Green Bay & Sheboygan Offices joined forces to help Baird Creek Preservation with their fall clean-up
  • Broomfield, CO, Wind Lake, WI, Manheim, PA, Stuart, FL and others hosted community and neighborhood clean-up projects
  • Many team members also helped neighbors who needed extra assistance in their yards or picked-up trash in their neighborhoods
  • Burlington WI Offices collected donations and food for the Sharing Center in Trevor, WI and Love Inc. in Burlington, WI
  • Hartford WI Office organized a Support the Troops donation and fundraiser sending gifts to our service members. They raised over $1,400 and assembled 62 care packages and holiday stockings for the troops.
  • Baked for local Fire and Police Departments
  • Made fleece blankets for Children’s Hospital of WI

Together we made a noticeable difference in the lives of many and in the outdoor spaces we enjoy. Thank you to the Service Week Committee, RRA Volunteers and to all of our non-profit and community partners. We applaud everyone who came together to make this Service Week possible.