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Kuhnke Elected PIA National Secretary/Assistant Treasurer



At the PIA National fall meetings Dennis Kuhnke, CIC, CPIA of Robertson Ryan & Associates was elected to serve as National Secretary/Assistant Treasurer. This position will lead to the eventual elevation of Dennis to PIA National President beginning in 2019.

Dennis has served as the Wisconsin representative to the PIA National Board of Directors for the past four years. Previously he served six years on the PIA of Wisconsin Board of Directors and was President of PIAW in 2011-2012. Dennis has been a stalwart at both the state and national level. His energy and enthusiasm have earned the respect of peers across the country as evidenced by the fact that he has been appointed to lead many state and national committees and task forces. He has always stepped up when volunteers were needed to complete a PIA project or initiative.

The team at Robertson Ryan is very proud of Dennis’ accomplishments and we know he will represent our team, and Wisconsin insurance professionals, well at the national level. Congratulations to Dennis Kuhnke.

More about Dennis.